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F! MUSIC: Lumynors O'ven Ft. Shorell - Tele Mi | @FoshoENT_Radio

Lumynors O'ven is at it again, after the successful release of his official club banger titled "Ijo",the talented and powerful vocalist is set to thrill us with a fresh,beautiful and smooth love tune titled Tele mi.
He teamed up with Shorell who dropped hot lyrical bars to seal up the 
The song is produced by Cypress Beats.

Download, listen, enjoy the record and share it with the World.

F! MUSIC: Lumynors O'ven Ft. Shorell - Tele Mi | @FoshoENT_Radio F! MUSIC: Lumynors O'ven Ft. Shorell - Tele Mi | @FoshoENT_Radio Reviewed by BOSSDON (HNIC) on 4:28:00 pm Rating: 5

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