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F! MUSIC: Luiz Mike - Levels (@iam_luizmike) | @FoshoENT_Radio

Luiz Mike drops off yet again this new song and entitled this one Levels Right after the successful release of Otula few months back which went viral and made people wanting for more. This is a Jam you can't afford to miss. 

Connect him:

IG: Luizmike1
Fb: Luizmike Jay Okagbue
Tw: Iam_luizmike

Download, Enjoy and Share !!!

                                                            DOWNLOAD MP3
F! MUSIC: Luiz Mike - Levels (@iam_luizmike) | @FoshoENT_Radio F! MUSIC: Luiz Mike - Levels (@iam_luizmike) | @FoshoENT_Radio Reviewed by BOSSDON (HNIC) on 7:21:00 am Rating: 5

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